Linkin Park Wiki

This is the page where formal requests for rollback rights can be filed. Rollback rights enable normal users to use a [rollback] button to quickly revert vandalism from diff pages. It is particularly useful on Linkin Park Wiki when an admin is unavailable to take bigger action against vandals.


  • Strong history of contributions, usually over 70, though quality is more important than quantity. There may be some exeptions to the edit's needed.
  • History of anti-vandalism work - undoing or reporting vandals, or both
  • No history of serious blocks due to vandalism or sockpuppetry


  • Add your name as a subheading under the section "Current Requests" and give a concise explanation (no more than several lines) as to why you deserve and require rollback rights.
  • Other users may or may not have questions. There will be no section for questions if there are no questions.
  • The active bureaucrat, currently The 888th Avatar, will consider your requests and make a decision.

Current Requests[]


I've started to work hard on this wiki, putting new content about the latest LP album (album, tracks, etc.) and I plan to do it for quite longer, maybe even edit some existing pages, you know, put more stuff into it, make it look better.

Even though this wikia seems as it fell into a stage of hiatus, I'd be glad to try my best to correct any acts that are not allowed here and fix whatever could get broken in the future.
